Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes apart from causing nuisance to making pay a major role in the transmission of more human dieseases than any other arthopods. Mosquitoes breed in various types of water for egg production because female mesquites feed on blood, diseases causing pathogens (e.g. malaria parasite, filariasis , dengue fever, Chikungunya Encephalities and yellow fever) can be trnsmitted from personto person or some cases (e.g. arboviruses) from animal to man via vector mosquitoes
We can offer mosquito control for house, office, hotels, hospitals, theaters.
House Flies (Musca domestica)
These flies are called houseflies because of their close association with man flies carry many pathogens (Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helmintheggs, Diarrhoeal disease, etc. important breeding sites of these flies are dung of domestic animals and birds, garbage, open sewage drain, decaying grss clipping or garden compost.
Being a leading pest control company in Bangalore, We have enough skill set and knowledge base in pest control services. We offer effective and systematic pest control service across Bangalore. We can offer House fly control for house, office, hotels, hospitals. |